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Raven Delta Group proudly supports 80th Anniversary D-Day commemorations

Raven Delta (RD) Group is honoured to announce our support for the Spirit of Normandy Trust, contributing to their mission of escorting nine British D-Day veterans and one war widow to Normandy for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in June 2024. This significant anniversary commemorates the heroic efforts of those who participated in the largest seaborne invasion in history, Operation Neptune, on June 6, 1944.

D-Day was a monumental event involving over 155,000 troops, 11,500 aircraft, and 6,900 naval vessels, leading to the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation. The bravery and sacrifice of these veterans were pivotal in altering the course of World War II.

The Spirit of Normandy Trust is dedicated to ensuring that these heroes, now with an average age of 98, along with their carers and family members, can attend the commemorative events. Our support represents RD Group's commitment to honouring their legacy and educating future generations about the sacrifices made by this generation and the critical influence of D-Day on securing the freedom we now have.

Dave Kieft, Group Chief Executive of Raven Delta Group, said:

"We are deeply honoured to support the Spirit of Normandy Trust in this important mission. It is our duty to remember and pay tribute to the incredible courage and sacrifice of these veterans, who have given us the freedoms we enjoy today."

For more information on the Spirit of Normandy Trust and their mission, please visit their website here.

Date: 21 May 2024