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Raven Delta Group partners with Green Hat Consulting to ensure safety excellence

At Raven Delta Group, our commitment to excellence extends far beyond business growth and profitability. We prioritise the safety and well-being of our team members above all else. As we continue to expand our operations, it becomes increasingly crucial to uphold stringent Health and Safety standards. That's why we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Green Hat Consulting, a renowned industry expert in Health and Safety.

Bolstering Health and Safety protocols

Effective from May 1, 2024, Green Hat Consulting will serve as our external 'competent person,' providing invaluable support and expertise in this critical area. With a team of seasoned professionals, Green Hat Consulting will conduct comprehensive Construction Site and Premises Inspections, ensuring that we remain fully compliant with current UK legislation.

Maintaining compliance and exemplary records

Our partnership with Green Hat Consulting underscores our unwavering commitment to maintaining exemplary Health and Safety records. By entrusting Green Hat Consulting with this responsibility, we are not only safeguarding the well-being of our team members but also mitigating potential risks and liabilities.

For further information about Green Hat Consulting and their range of services, please visit their website at or follow their company page on LinkedIn.

At Raven Delta Group, the wellbeing of our staff is not just a priority; it's a core value that guides every decision we make. Our partnership with Green Hat Consulting exemplifies our dedication to ensuring a safe and secure work environment for all.

Date: 17 May 2024