Blog Article

RDM’s Alan Bozzola and Gary Hicks shine in Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) Awards

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to two outstanding members of the Raven Delta (RD) Group family, Alan Bozzola and Gary Hicks, for their well-deserved win at the Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) - SE Awards.

The prestigious awards, specifically in the Supporting Our Customers category, highlight the exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment that Alan and Gary bring to RDM Electrical & Mechanical Services’ clients in the defence sector.

The FDIS - SE awards shine a light on excellence in the defence infrastructure sector, recognising individuals and organisations that go above and beyond in supporting the nation's defence capabilities. In this competitive arena, Alan Bozzola and Gary Hicks have emerged as shining stars, exemplifying dedication, expertise, and a passion for ensuring the success of RD Group's projects in this sector.

Alan has played a pivotal role in elevating RD Group's standards of excellence. His technical acumen and innovative problem-solving have not only contributed to the success of our projects but have also set a benchmark for quality and efficiency. Alan's commitment to supporting our customers has earned him the respect and admiration of colleagues and clients alike.

Gary, another invaluable member of the RDM Electrical & Mechanical Services team, is celebrated for his unwavering dedication to ensuring the seamless operation of defence infrastructure. Gary's reliability and steadfast approach make him a true asset to RD Group. His ability to meet and exceed customer expectations, coupled with a strong sense of responsibility, has earned him this well-deserved recognition in the Supporting Our Customers category.

The success of Alan and Gary is not only a testament to their individual commitment but also a reflection of the collaborative and supportive environment fostered within RD Group. The RDM Electrical & Mechanical Services team's synergy and shared commitment to excellence have undoubtedly played a significant role in achieving this accolade.

As RD Group continues to push boundaries and set new standards in the defence infrastructure sector, Alan and Gary serve as beacons of inspiration for their peers. Their achievements underscore RD Group's commitment to providing top-notch services to our customers and solidify our reputation as a leader in the industry.

Again, a well-earned congratulations to Alan, Gary, and the entire RDM Electrical & Mechanical Services team for their outstanding achievements at the FDIS - SE Awards, exemplifying excellence in the defence infrastructure sector. Their dedication, expertise, and commitment to supporting our customers have not only earned them recognition but have also contributed to the continued success of RD Group. We look forward to witnessing their future accomplishments and the collective success of our talented team.

Date: 11 January 2024