Blog Article

EFT Consult and Respiratory Innovation Wales agree to collaborate and lead the way Globally in relation to IAQ and IEQ issues in the Built Environment

We are delighted to announce our collaboration with Respiratory Innovation Wales, a world- leading advocate for respiratory healthcare and wellbeing, devoted to crafting buildings that foster healthy living.

There is a growing awareness of how indoor air quality and environmental conditions profoundly affect our health and wellbeing. The World Health Organisation has identified air pollution as the most significant environmental risk to health, contributing to approximately one in nine deaths annually. Both companies share a commitment to innovation for better health and wellbeing and agree that a standards-based approach is pivotal.

In recent years, regulatory and commercial pressures have prompted designers, constructors, construction companies, building owners/landlords, tenants, and maintenance teams to prioritise energy cost reduction, sometimes overlooking the control of indoor energy sources and the improvement of ventilation. This oversight can potentially compromise occupant mental and physical health and wellbeing. Additionally, environmental conditions can be adversely affected by incorrect commissioning and system operation, resulting in subpar performance.

With escalating concerns over the cost and impact of ill-health, as well as strains on public services, it is imperative to enhance the quality of building stock to meet the wellbeing requirements of current and future generations. In doing so, tangible benefits can be realised, including:

Cost savings: Localised or personalised control and automation of systems not only enhance wellbeing but can also improve energy efficiency, thereby reducing operational expenses and carbon emissions.

Enhanced occupant performance: Heightened cognitive function, productivity, and even improved mood, leading to reduced fatigue, tiredness, and stress.

Increased employee, tenant, and customer retention and loyalty: Improved indoor environmental quality (IEQ) establishes an environment where occupants feel valued and at ease, drawing new staff, customers, and tenants to buildings as the "location of choice."

We will adopt a standards-based approach, coupled with new sensors designed by EFT, calibrated and tested to measure all parameters of the standard. When connected to our state-of-the-art reporting platform, tenants, building owners, and managers will have a clear visualisation and understanding of the building’s performance.

This vital data will help ensure all parameters are within optimal operating levels and highlight areas requiring immediate attention to ensure compliance and enhance health and wellbeing. Working in tandem, EFT and RIW will leverage the insights gained from the development of BS40102-1, the first national standard of its kind, which has garnered global interest. Together, we will assemble experts in medicine, health and wellness, technology, and engineering to create buildings that provide genuinely safe and healthy environments.

To find out more, contact us here.

Date: 7 November 2023